Yellow Jackets Act 20


France is preparing for law 20 of the anti-government demonstration against the yellow vest on Saturday. Police must be deployed in force while the government has banned demonstrations in many areas.

For a second week in a row, the authorities have banned yellow vests demonstrations on Avenue des Champs-Elysees in Paris, as well as around the Presidential Palace and the National Assembly.

The mayor of Bordeaux advised retailers to close their stores on Saturday and urged residents to stay indoors, while Avignon, in the south of the country, shut down his station and banned large gatherings.

Several French cities have seen riots and repeated destruction at events that have attracted thousands of people.

Two weeks ago, protesters ransacked the luxury shops and the famous Le Fouquet's restaurant on the Champs-Elysees, which caused huge divisions in France. On the other hand, the demonstrations last Saturday in Paris, around the basilica of the Sacred Heart of Montmartre, were largely peaceful.

The Yellow Vest movement seemed to run out of steam at the beginning of the year – the focus now being on a series of "national debates" organized by President Emmanuel Macron in the style of a hotel. of town – but the violence of March 16 showed that anger was still strong.

Debates continued Friday, Macron hosting mayors at the presidential palace, one day after discussing the troubles in the country with schoolchildren of the Loire Valley.

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