You can not use the hours of work to go to church – The President warns citizens


General News on Thursday, May 30, 2019



Mike Oquaye Soosle4 Rt. The Hon. Aaron Michael Oquaye, Speaker of Parliament

The Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye warned against using hours of work to go to church in the name of worshiping God for salvation and deliverance.

According to the President, such an act on the part of the citizens is an affront to the laws of the land, the Holy Bible and the Koran.

He said that the laws of the land force citizens to work from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and that, therefore, using such hours to do anything other than working for your employer is not the best practice.

The Speaker made this observation by commenting on the calls by some members to ask the House to pbad a bill regulating the activities of churches to a man in the country.

He asked the deputies to refer to the mixed commissions of youth, sports and culture and constitutional, legal and parliamentary affairs for consideration and report to the plenary.

He also asked the committees to consult widely and work in cooperation with the majority and minority leaders of the House.

"This is a very important national problem. We can not have a constitution and act outside the parameters of this constitution and, ostrich, claim that nothing happens. S & # 39; they must make certain declarations according to the law; whether they must fulfill certain obligations to the society in which they live according to law; they must file declarations in accordance with the constitution; they should make sure things have been provided. Among other things, I think that a committee of this nature should seriously consider our development difficulties, regardless of the political parties, but treat it as a problem in our country and make recommendations. We want people in the name of religion to use 8 to 5-year working hours and not worship anywhere. The Lord God Himself created the world in six days and rested in a day. We all know the need for a Sabbath, whether it be Muslim or Christian. So, we expect what we are working for and in fact, it will be dishonest for someone to use you and then you will use the hours that it will pay you to go somewhere else, whether it's a church or otherwise, to go and worship. There are times to worship – Saturdays, Sundays are there; evenings are there but definitely do not work, otherwise we can not grow as a people, "he said.

He added: "We live in a state where we all know that these [referring to the pastors running one-man churches] will keep people in camps to heal them and when they get worse they will rush them to Korle Bu. Physicians are responsible for their profession, but they can not be held responsible for professional misconduct. … In fact, in England and elsewhere, if you summon a person in such circumstances, the doctor, the nurse or another person is legally responsible for reporting this case to the police and steps will be taken. It's like that that a nation is growing. So, we may want to think about whether some of these things should also be clearly established so that when people are rushed into suspicious circumstances, the law is applied accordingly. "

Individual churches exploiting the people

Earlier, Mfantseman MP Ekow Hayford, in a statement to the House, urged the state to intervene by repressing churches to an unregulated man because they were exploiting the people.

Ebenezer Nartey, MP for Ablekuma Central, said he found it disturbing to see these one-man churches flood the airwaves and that national televisions could fool citizens with their hard-earned money and money. other resources. call to regulate them.

"Sometimes when a lady is wearing black or white pants, some pastors call them telling them that they are wearing black or white pants. Sometimes you see a 60-year-old man or woman carrying a bag of cement in the name of deliverance. Bottles of water are sold in churches for 2,000 GH and 2,000 GH. 3000 in the name of healing while the same person can not get the money to go to Korle Bu University Hospital for medical care, "he stressed, pointing out that some pastors of the country did not deserve to be worn as such.

Lotto numbers

He said that he would not be surprised if one day a pastor stormed the House of Representatives of Parliament asking for money from deputies, on the pretext that God had ordered him to do so .

"The church is now a business and many of them do not pay taxes. What one-man churches have contributed to the development of the nation apart from the creation of radio stations to exploit the most vulnerable? We have pastors who give lotto numbers. Is this what Jesus Christ asked them to do? These one-man churches that are unregulated must be destroyed, "he said.

The leader of the majority, the Hon. Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, for one, said that the activities of these churches to a man are a way to make money and supported the call to their regulation.

Walk with caution

However, Ningo-Prampram MP Sam George urged the House to be cautious in dealing with such a sensitive issue.

He said that the Bible states that in the last days false prophets will invade the earth and that what happens is not new.

While he admits that there may be charlatans who could discredit the Christian faith, he nevertheless said that the state should be cautious when legislating to legislate to regulate the Christian faith.

"There is a difference between a church and a church administration. The House may choose to introduce a bill governing the administration of the church. However, any move to move the state to regulate religion and religious expression may be one step ahead of me. I would like to say that yes, it is good to be pbadionate about such an issue, but we do not tackle such a question because religion, like Karl Marx, is the opium of the mbades and we must strengthen it and do it carefully. We need to place action on a scale and this should guide the legislation we adopt, "he said.

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