Young African entrepreneurs pledge to turn youth unemployment into opportunities


Young entrepreneurs from 17 African countries have explored new solutions to overcome the challenges of employment and entrepreneurship at a workshop in Tanzania. Africa has a higher proportion of young people than any other continent – so young people's livelihoods are an urgent priority.

The workshop was organized by the Commonwealth African Youth Business Alliance (CAYE-Africa) and supported by the Commonwealth. It aimed to give young entrepreneurs the means to define a new direction for the alliance and to agree on key issues affecting the employability of young people in the region.

During the workshop, the young entrepreneurs identified five key interventions to prioritize within the framework of the alliance that was established in 2016. These interventions are as follows:

Bridging gaps in knowledge Reform regulatory frameworks; Strengthen digital capabilities and capabilities; Advance financial inclusion; Integrate and strengthen youth entrepreneurship networks.

Gerald Chirinda, founder of the Kenya Future Future Forum, said young people stand up and take the initiative to propose solutions to local problems.

"When I look at young Africans, I see a demographic dividend that just requires the tools and the environment to enable them to meet the challenges of our time, including youth unemployment."

Young leaders have come up with new ideas that will be part of the alliance's mandate. These ideas included a commitment to governments to support new businesses and the organization of a youth-led business spirit summit to share best practices in the region.

Sushil Ram, Program Manager, Commonwealth Social Policy Section, spoke at the workshop. "The Commonwealth is pleased to support the formation of the alliance, particularly in a region that has so many pbadionate and talented young entrepreneurs, all ambitious to develop their businesses and contribute to the prosperity of their country," he said. he declared.

"In addition to stimulating trade within borders and between countries, the alliance will give young entrepreneurs the opportunity to speak to policymakers to strengthen the ecosystem of the country." entrepreneurship and share good practices. "

Young leaders recognized that the Alliance's current "network of networks" model requires a more focused and engaged approach. They said that the existing model does not respond effectively to the urgent need of young entrepreneurs to meet the challenges they face. The new approach will provide them with a solid platform to introduce new businesses, create networks and promote business.

The Commonwealth Youth Program supports the Alliance in its efforts to encourage young people to get into business.

CAYE's regional networks, including CAYE-Asia and CAYE-Caribbean and Canada, seek to encourage young entrepreneurs and unite their voices at national and international forums to influence policy and practice.

Speaking at a meeting of young entrepreneurs held in the offices of the Ghana Chamber of Young Entrepreneurs, Ghana's CAYE National Coordinator, Mr. Sherif Ghali, called on young entrepreneur groups to to join the dream of CAYE.

He said: "It is only when we are united in pursuit of a common goal that we get unprecedented results."

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