Young people at the Krachi West Nuclear Power Plant want DCE to come out


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Angry youths from Kete-Krachi on Tuesday afternoon stormed the district badembly office and locked the scene.

The youths, who affirm their affinity with the ruling NPP, demand the immediate dismissal of the Krachi West District Director.

Young protesters say that Osei Nti Douglas has misconduct and its actions since taking office, have been detrimental to the interests of the NPP.

One of the group's leaders told Joy News that "all the efforts made by party members to join him have proved futile".

What are the allegations?

With respect to courtesy and usual practice, the youth says that Douglas refused to tour the district to introduce himself to the community members.

Young people say this is a flagrant lack of respect for community leaders.

"This leads to the collapse of the NPP in the community," he said.

Douglas has also been cited for "sabotaging government policies." When reading a petition, young people said that the WFD had prevented the effective implementation of LEAP, a pro-poor program.

Youth of Krachi-West

"It took the intervention of a member of the badembly for people to sign up," they said.

Young people also say that a Nissan patrol belonging to the DCE office was seized by a community mechanic because the badembly owes it to this mechanic.

"We implore you to exercise your powers and to revoke it," said the young man concluding his statement.

How can the DCE be deleted?

The power to name the DCE until recently belonged toPresident with the prior approval of a two-thirds majority of the members of the Assembly present and voting at the meeting."

Young protesters want President Akufo-Addo to use his powers under Article 243/3 (b) of the 1992 Constitution to revoke it.

"The District Chief position becomes vacant if: he is removed from office by the president. "

Other than that, a vote of no confidence, supported by the votes of at least two-thirds of all members of the district badembly, shall be voted against him.

However, the law has been amended to allow the WFD to be elected.

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