Your good health: following simple rules can reduce fructose problems


Dear Dr. Roach, What can you tell me about fructose intolerance and / or malabsorption?

Is there a genetic predisposition to this? Can it develop later in life? What are the symptoms and how is it diagnosed? What kind of doctor can best diagnose?

I've read conflicting reports online about the breath test. Can it be treated or should foods containing fructose be completely removed from their diet?

My father was diagnosed with some sort of fructose problem years ago. I have no other information about his condition since he has since died.

I have been developing intestinal problems over the last year and have noticed that I frequently suffer from stomach cramps after eating grapes and green apples in particular. I am a vegetarian and my diet consists of a lot of fruits and vegetables.

I wonder if I have a problem with fructose. I hope not. What are your thoughts?

D. K.

Fructose intolerance is common, but it is rarely diagnosed. One of the causes, hereditary fructose intolerance, is a genetic disorder that can cause severe symptoms in infants and children, but is usually mild in adults.

The symptoms of fructose intolerance are very similar to those of another intolerance to sugar – lactose, the sugar contained in milk.

Many people can not tolerate lactose and if they eat too much, they will have cramps and diarrhea. Unlike lactose intolerance, which involves a simple diagnostic breath test, there is no commonly available test for fructose intolerance.

Fructose is a simple sugar, called monosaccharide, that is found in many fruits, including apples, pears, cherries and dates. Fructose is also found in honey and is part of the disaccharide sucrose (table sugar), where it is combined with glucose.

What is fascinating, though poorly understood, is that when fructose is consumed with glucose, it is better absorbed by people with fructose intolerance. Therefore, the goal of a person unable to absorb fructose is to reduce or avoid fructose by itself. This means reducing foods and beverages sweetened with high fructose corn syrup – found in many products – by consuming high-fructose fruit only during meals and reducing honey consumption.

Sorbitol, a sugar alcohol used as a sweetener in "diet" or "sugar-free" foods, tends to aggravate fructose intolerance and should be avoided.

A vegetarian diet is very healthy for most people and you should not give up your fruits. Just follow a few simple rules to reduce or eliminate your symptoms.

Dear Dr. Roach, Does BPH increase the possibility of prostate cancer?


Benign prostatic hypertrophy is a common condition in humans.

About half of men in their 50s have an enlarged prostate and this proportion becomes even higher as men age.

The main symptoms of prostate hypertrophy are difficulties in the flow of urine, a feeling of decreased emptying, difficulty starting to urinate and increased frequency of urination. , including the night. When symptoms worsen, incontinence can occur and kidney damage can be caused by high pressure in the bladder.

The first word in "BPH" is "benign" – it's not a cancerous disease. According to the latest studies, it does not protect against cancer development, but there does not appear to be an increased risk of cancer in men with BPH symptoms.

Dr. Roach regretted that he could not reply to individual letters, but would incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Questions by email at [email protected].

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