Yungblud debuts with the huge new title "Loner".


"I do not want to be a loner …"

Yungblud debuted with his new song, Loner, and it's one of his biggest hymns to date.

Dominic Harrison's new offer is accompanied by a video that sees him return home to Doncaster and perform in places of particular importance, including the venues where he performed his first concerts and his own home.

"I created this piece because it's a reflection of where I come from and who I am. I wanted to invite my fans and those who did not know me yet in my living room and have a cup of tea with them. I wanted to show them what Dom looks like, who goes for a drink of water at 2 am, "Harrison said.

"In the end, I had to tell myself, no matter what was going on or up to where it would happen, that I was only a 21-year-old boy from northern England who was been put in this position by his fans. . If ever I forget that I am in a dangerous water. "

Explaining the video, he said, "We shot the video in my Nan's house, with my clbadmates and in the same room as the one in which I played my first shows. to be around me. This reflects the reason why I wake up when the sun is shining and I'm knotting in the stomach without really knowing why.

"I was listening to Britpop so much of the 90s when I wrote it and typical of me, I wanted to add that to the mix of my sound, but in a modern way with a new perspective. During production, I wanted to increase the size of the 5-speed sound. "

Meanwhile, Yungblud has recently updated his second album – and it's thought he's taking on hip hop influences.

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