Yvette Fielding is perhaps known as the first lady of the paranormal, but the legendary presenter is so terrified by ghosts that she can not watch her own TV show.
This makes his daily work as a guest of Most Haunted a business risk, right?
Speaking of almost two decades investigating haunted places around the world and being darkened by anger, Yvette can still remember the one-night investigation where she was forced to retreat into her car and to recite the Lord's prayer.
It's quite heavy.
The 50-year-old usually relaxes by listening to Mary Poppins' soundtrack on the way home (nothing to keep a poltergeist away from a Spoonful Of Sugar, is not it?) But one night in one area of Leeds council needed something a little stronger.
"No one has been able to live in this place since the 1970s and people have complained of being choked on the stairs," she said. Metro.co.uk. "As soon as you came in, you heard the furniture being dragged upstairs, but no one was there. Then knives were thrown at us. Two crew members were burned on the arm.
"I remember saying the Lord's prayer in the car, and then I put Mary Poppins' soundtrack and I was ready to leave a week later."
For someone who has made a huge career in creating content that scares the bejeebus of viewers, it's a little shy to know how much Yvette is frightened by the morale.
The addition of Standon Hall in Staffordshire also caused a lot of headaches, she added: "I was shaking with fear and had to go out and take an hour to take a break. It was too much.
"You always wonder about your sanity when you are in such places, objects that are flying towards you and that, if they hit you, hurt you or possibly killed you think it's crazy. A normal person might think that it is nonsense.
"How can you believe in something if you do not see it with your own eyes?" But I've seen it and so I know that ghosts, spirits, an energy that we can not see manifest in certain ways or manipulate objects. I've seen it all and I do not want to think about it too much when I'm away because it really messes me up. "
Filming for months has allowed the presenter to feel strong towards the final cup – but once the life of Yvette and her husband-producer, Karl Beattie, has returned to normal, she can not even look back episodes she has lived.
"There is no way in hell, I still do not do it, I'm going to watch social media and I can tell what's going on in the show, but I can not watch it," she laughed. "Even if I do, I can not look at anything sinister because it's going to hurt my head."
"I'm afraid of dying. We just started filming the new series and I'm nervous like anything. The longer the series lasts, the more courageous I am. We have a break and [I’ll hear] the slightest sound and I am an absolute wreck; It's pathetic. & # 39;
He was thrown knives and the spirit was too close, but Yvette has partnered with Smart Energy GB because opening his electricity bill prevents him from sleeping.
As part of her Smart Meter campaign, she said living in a "big, old farmhouse" meant that her bills were something to be feared more than a demon with a penchant for sharps.
Of course, in order not to forget the rising costs of electricity (global warming, it's one thing, people), it's launched in the 24th season of the Really UK series and still wants to show us that ghosts are a reality.
Believe it or not, Yvette does not give up the good fight to open eyes on the other side that we can not see.
More: Yvette Fielding
"You can not see the Internet, but we know it's there," she said, comparing ghosts to technology.
"I saw it and it's amazing, there is a life after death and we will see our loved ones again.I am not religious, but I definitely have a god and I know it's ridiculous, but I I can not wait to see my father again.
"It made my life happier knowing that."
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