Zika's Indian status changed | Journal of International Travel and Health Insurance


The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have modified their warning against traveling to India because of Zika, pbading from an "ongoing epidemic" to a "current or old transmission, but not epidemic in progress ", indicating that travelers can now safely travel to the country without risk of disease.

Last January, the Indian government asked the United States to withdraw its warning against travel to India, saying the Zika epidemic was gone. At the time, Dr. Balram Bhargava, chief executive of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), had said, "I want to draw your attention to the fact that the Zika virus outbreak in Rajasthan and in Madhya Pradesh is now completely destroyed. No new cases have been reported and vector indices are also within acceptable limits. I urge you to discuss the matter with the relevant CDC authorities and to withdraw / amend the travel notice. He provided data on the surveillance of Zika virus disease by humans and vectors in India.

In an official statement, the CIMR stated: "The communication made it possible to modify the travel notices of March 27, 2019." It is always advisable for travelers in India to take precautions to prevent the transmission of diseases, for example by avoiding mosquito bites. repellent and covering.

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