Zimbabwe requests the right to sell $ 300 million worth of ivory to finance game reserves


Zimbabwe has claimed the right to sell its ivory stock to raise funds for conservation, wildlife authorities said Tuesday, joining other Southern African countries. to call for a loosening of the global trade ban on defenses.

Wildlife authorities in the cash – strapped country estimate that the country 's decades – old ivory stock is worth around $ 300 million, which they say would help fill the gap. funding deficit of game reserves.

The proposal has conflicted with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which prohibits the sale of ivory to combat poaching.

Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia and Zambia have referred to the growing number of elephants in some areas in their attempt to ease restrictions.

Zimbabwean wildlife authority spokesman Tinashe Farawo told AFP that countries had submitted a joint proposal to CITES and had warned: "If we are not allowed to trade, we will not participate in CITES discussions on elephants. "

"Our decision to sell ivory is not an emotional decision – it's a science-based decision supported by facts." At independence, in 1980, we had 40,000 elephants and their numbers have more than doubled without the land being expanded, "Farawo said.

According to officials, Zimbabwe has about 84,000 elephants, nearly double what it can handle. By MARTIN BUREAU (AFP / File) According to officials, Zimbabwe has about 84,000 elephants, nearly double what it can handle. By MARTIN BUREAU (AFP / File)

According to the authorities responsible for parks and wildlife, Zimbabwe has about 84,000 elephants, nearly double what it can support.

But over the last decade, the elephant population in Africa has declined from about 111,000 to 415,000 people, mainly because of poaching of ivory, according to the International Union. for the conservation of nature (IUCN).

In May, Zimbabwe sold 100 elephants to China and Dubai to raise funds. The deal was worth $ 2.7 million over six years, according to wildlife authorities.

Farawo called on detractors of the ivory sale proposal to "give us money to manage our operations," instead of greeting them.

Wildlife authorities have indicated that if approved, it would help them fund their operations, buy radio and patrol vehicles to fight poaching.

"CITES was supposed to regulate trade in endangered species, but if there are none, CITES does not serve its purpose," Farawo said.

Last month, Botswana, which has the largest population of African elephants, sparked controversy by lifting the ban on elephant hunting imposed for five years, in part. invoking "high levels of human-elephant conflict".

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