"Zongo Development Ministry Signs Exit Mandate for 2019" | General news


The President of the Republic, Nana Addo Akufo-Addo Dankwa, announced that the Minister of Finance has signed an opening mandate of the Ministry of Inner Cities and Zongo Development to incur expenses for the communities of Zongo with the allocation of the Zongo Development Fund in the 2019 budget.

According to the president, the provision of water supply systems, the rehabilitation of school buildings and the construction of new buildings, the provision of desks for Islamic schools and the rehabilitation of tertiary drains, among many other projects, will help to solve some of the many challenges spoiling our Zongo communities.

"Based on the many requests received from all Zongo communities, Zongo Development Fund officials have already translated the opening mandate into achievable projects, and work on these projects is expected to begin very soon," she said. he declared.

President Akufo-Addo announced on Wednesday, June 5, 2019, joining the national leader Imam, Zongo chiefs and Muslims to celebrate this year's Eid ul-Fitr.

Addressing the meeting, the President said that he had created the Ministry of Inner Cities and Zongo Development, specifically with the aim of placing the poor neighborhoods and communities of Zongo in the center. of the country's development program.

"We want to ensure that disadvantaged neighborhoods and communities in Zongo no longer become exclusion zones for despair and desperation in terms of reproduction. The task may be difficult, but our determination is unwavering, "he added.

With more than one thousand eighty (1,080) Zongo communities in Ghana, each demanding vital interventions to make life more bearable and more comfortable, President Akufo-Addo has expressed greater confidence in his minister of the sector.

"I urge you to give it the maximum amount of cooperation needed to achieve the government's vision. Let's be focused as we embark on the path of prosperity for more than four million people living in our communities in Zongo, "he added.

End of fasting

President Akufo-Addo congratulated the Muslim Ummah of Ghana and, by extension, the entire Muslim population of the world for braving the throes of hunger and thirst for a whole month.

"In addition to the spiritual accomplishment of the month, you deserve to be commended for the strict code of discipline that you have adhered to throughout this period. I pray that Allah will accept our collective prayers, continue to spread His grace, mercy and peace over our nation, and make it great and strong, "he added.

He also congratulated, again, the iconic national Imam leader, Sheikh Osman Nuhu Sharubutu, on the occasion of his 100th birthday, by joining the exclusive club of centenarians.

"In all respects, it's a blessed and privileged club. The advice given by the Imam National Chief to Muslims in Ghana is truly exemplary and we continue to pray that the Almighty will bless wisdom, good health, long life and prosperity, "said the President.

He further urged Muslims to uphold the virtues of Ramadan, pointing out that "if there are Muslim citizens who are in a hurry to remove their Ramadan costume and resume the status quo attitude, I will urge you to reflect on the word in the Qur'an, and I quote: "Fasting is prescribed to you as it has been prescribed to those who have gone before you, that you may obtain justice."

President Akufo-Addo reiterated his government's commitment to contribute to the prosperity of the people of Ghana.

"To this extent, every policy we have pursued so far has been designed to engender inclusivity, so that we can break out of the old system of governance that left many Ghanaians in the country. periphery, "said the president.

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