Ghost Recon Breakpoint does not make political statements, insists Ubisoft despite obvious themes


Ubisoft has already been criticized for not having solved the political problems its games are facing. And now, despite the recently announced game, Ghost Recon Breakpoint, branded Tom Clancy and dealing with extremely political issues, the company's position remains unchanged.

The story of Breakpoint is centered on a Silicon Valley genius that develops advanced artificial intelligence and drones to help humanity and save American lives. The tech giant and his army of drones are hijacked by a group of rogue American soldiers, and the revelation flow of the game indicates that drones are murdering a candidate in the elections. Despite all this, Sebastien Le Prestre, lead developer, said that Ubisoft was not trying to argue a particular point.

"We are creating a game here, we are not trying to make political statements in our games," he told GameSpot. "We are rooted in reality and you will get what you get from your game." Everyone will draw something different from their experience. "History can make you see different situations, but we do not try to guide anyone or to make any statement.It is a "What if?" scenario, it's Tom Clancy, it's purely fictional. "

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Community developer Laura Cordrey explained that Ubisoft was "always inspired by what's going on around us, and our goal is always to stay authentic … but the story remains fictional".

Many Ubisoft games cover political topics, such as White House Division 2 defense in Washington DC or Far Cry's disarmed and ostracized community 5 and Donald Trump's references. However, Ubisoft executives have previously described the policy engagement in video games as "bad for business."

As for the new Ghost Recon game itself, check out our practical impressions and thoughts on why Breakpoint is both promising and worrying. It will arrive on PS4, Xbox One and PC on October 4th.


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