GhostWire: Ikumi Nakamura, Tokyo Artistic Director, Leaves Tango Gameworks


GhostWire: Tokyo

Ikumi Nakamura, creative director of E3 2019, announced GhostWire: Tokyo, left Tango Gameworks, she ad on Twitter.

"After nine years as artistic director and art director at Tango and Zenimax, I felt it was one of the ends of the trip," said Nakamura. "I learned from the talented people I worked with and whom I respect. Contact me if someone wants to work with me!

Nakamura wrote the story, scenario and character settings for GhostWire: Tokyoas well as the conceptual art of the characters, the conceptual art of the creatures, the visual vision of the world, etc. She also had a hand The evil within and The evil in 2. Prior to joining Tango Gameworks, she worked at Platinum Games as a concept artist on Bayonettaand before that at Capcom as an environmental artist Okami.

Learn more about GhostWire: Tokyo right here.

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