Giants in cowboys: 7 things to watch while giants seek to get angry


The New York Giants are neglected by 7.5 points in the first day of the season against the Dallas Cowboys. Can they get angry at Arlington? Here are some things to watch for while they try.

Where will the pass rush come from?

This is a question that has been asked many times throughout the off season. Second-year men Lorenzo Carter, veteran Markus Golden, third-round pick Oshane Ximines and lineman B.J. Hill and Dexter Lawrence are players the Giants hope will be the answer to this long-term question.

On Sunday, the Giants battled Dallas' vaunted offensive line, backed by Travis Frederick's return to the center.

"As it stands, I think that initially it will be a group effort. We can not tell you 100% that we are going to sit today with the leader of the bag, the disruptive player, "said defense coordinator James Bettcher. "For me, I like that a bit, because there is a little bit of an unknown for people who are preparing for us. There are many guys who have something to play, to prove and to establish. I think it's going to be exciting for me to watch how it's been from my job. "

If there is an honest constant pressure on goodness on quarterback Dak Prescott of Dallas, neither the fans of Bettcher nor those of the Giants will worry about where it comes from.

Debut of the revamped defense

The giants have left the mainstays of defense, Olivier Vernon, Landon Collins and Damon Harrison, and have replaced several other players who have played a key role in the defense 2018.

General Manager Dave Gettleman and coach Pat Shurmur insisted the Giants win more games in 2018. If only the defense could have made some key saves.

This group is younger. Well, with the exception of Antoine Bethea, a 14-year-old NFL veteran, safe. Will it be better? We are starting to know it Sunday.

Pollard, a fourth-round pick in Memphis, would have been the Cowboys' top scorer on Sunday if Ezekiel Elliott had not signed his mega contract during the week. He averaged 5.6 yards per race (15 runs / 84 yards) during the pre-season.

Pollard, who runs the ball, is not, however, what the Giants are suspicious of. In Memphis, Pollard averaged 30.1 yards on the return of the kickoff with seven touchdowns for 87 attempts. The Cowboys did not use it in this role, but R.J. Ochoa of The Boys' Blogging says the giants will "definitely" see Pollard coming back on Sunday.

Thomas McGaughey, coordinator of the Giants special teams, is wary.

"He is very very talented. The guy ran a 4.38, he hits hard, straight and fast, "McGaughey said. "He ran through big holes in Memphis, but he ran across them and scored. The guy from Memphis, who is now at Penn State, has done a great job training him. I promise you that Tony Pollard is a very talented kid. "

The Giants have been paying close attention to the special teams over the last two years. Recent training moves, such as the addition of linebacker David Mayo and broad receiver Cody Core, should benefit from special benefits to the teams. Pollard should provide an early challenge.

The return of the Giants

When the training camp started, the Giants looked pretty deep in the second leg. Corey Coleman averaged 26.0 yards on kick return last season and should take on this job, as well as perhaps punt return duties.

Coleman, however, was injured knee late in the season on the first day of the camp. Rookie Darius Slayton was to play in the second leg, but a hamstring injury kept him on the sidelines. Golden Tate is an experienced punt turner, but he faces a four-game suspension.

So what's left to the giants?

Return of departure – Cody Latimer is listed as number 1 in the team's unofficial depth system. He averaged 24.4 yards on 23 returns over five seasons in the NFL. Rookie Corey Ballentine opened up the potential in this department with an average of 29.7 yards on three pre-season returns.

Return of punt – Start security Jabrill Peppers is the main responsible here. The Peppers averaged 7.3 yards out of 55 returns in two seasons with the Cleveland Browns. Number 2 on the depth chart is halfback corner Antonio Hamilton. A terrific man back at South Carolina State who averaged 21.7 yards on 21 punt returns and 24.8 yards on 33 punt returns, Hamilton never had the # 1 return. 39, opportunity to try his luck in this role during his three seasons in the NFL.

Zeke touches

Can you get ready for an NFL season by spending pre-season in Cabo with Orleans Darkwa? That's what Ezekiel Elliott did while his contract was being played.

Now that he's signed, how much will he play against the giants? How effective will it be?

Can giants open receivers?

We talked … and talked … and talked about the Giants Home since Odell Beckham Jr. became a member of the Cleveland Browns. The Giants, while Golden Tate purge its suspension, can they open receivers? Can Eli Manning provide them with the ball if and when they are open? Can they play games?

Read Mark Schofield's very informative document on how the Giants pass attack could unfold.

Will Eli be up?

The Giants believe they have improved their offensive line with the likes of Kevin Zeitler and Mike Remmers, as well as Jon Halapio's return to health and a year-long experience for Will Hernandez.

If Saquon Barkley is to have a real chance of dominating against the Cowboys and Eli Manning has the opportunity to find those recipients, hopefully, open, they must be right about the new offensive line.


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