Giants take University of Louisville 1b Logan Wyatt


With their second pick of the 2019 draft, the Giants made a virtual meta-pick. The Giants selection of Logan Wyatt was a master of the Giants might look for their picks.

That's a planting with a hammer perhaps, but I can not stand it!

The University of Louisville is one of the NCAA in walks (63) during his sophomore year, and is followed by more than one year ago.

After taking a swing at the first round, the second round saw the Giants plant their flag in the verities of a solid approach, a solid swing (left-handed again!) And an excellent control of the zone.

If you were watching's coverage of the draft, you saw Sean Casey offer a break-down of Wyatt's swing, declaring him the best pure hitter in the draft. In fact, Casey describes Wyatt as a hitter very much in the mold of … Sean Casey!

Like a young 5th round Brandon Belt, the chief complaint against Wyatt is his lack of power production from 1b. He hit just 15 HRs in his 3 year college career and just hit 4 HRs in the Cape Cod League last summer.

But again, this may be a case where you can not afford the power of Wyatt's 6'4 "frame. If they can find a way to play, they might just have something here. And taking players who could not have been a prime component of Dodger draft philosophy.

On the other hand, "hit over power 1b" is a profile that does not have a great deal of margin for error.


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