Giants vs. Dodgers NLDS perform, and Kamala Harris has picked her side


WASHINGTON – Former President Abraham Lincoln once said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand. Of course, he was talking about democracy. But Vice President Kamala Harris will face that mantra this week in another historically American tradition: baseball.

On Wednesday night, the Los Angeles Dodgers cemented a playoff game many Californians had been dreaming of for months, defeating the St. Louis Cardinals in the wildcard game to advance to a series with the San Francisco Giants. The two division rivals will now set their all-season fight to boast as the best team on the ultimate stage, the October ball to win or come home.

Harris, a native of East Bay and a former San Francisco prosecutor, will support the Giants, his office confirmed to The Chronicle. But this will not necessarily apply to the entire Naval Observatory, the vice president’s residence. Her husband, longtime Los Angeles resident and Dodgers fan Douglas Emhoff, will support their opponents, his office said.

Harris wore his Giants fandom on his sleeve. In 2015, when Harris tweeted her support for the Dodgers in their ultimately unsuccessful playoff clash with the Mets, she responded to a reporter on Twitter who questioned her fandom that her “loyalty lies” to the Giants.

But she has embraced both teams in recent years, especially as she became a statewide politician first as an attorney general then a senator and when she married Emhoff. She caused a sensation by wearing a Dodgers cap during a debate in the 2019 presidential primaries, as she continued her own campaign for the White House.

Support from the respective teams has gone both ways with the Second Couple. Emhoff himself wore a Giants cap at least one time.

As for the next politician vying for the presidency after Harris, there is no doubt who she will support. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, opened her press conference last week by asking reporters, “Is this about the San Francisco Giants winning the most games of all time?” Pelosi’s office confirmed that the speaker will support the home team at the start of the series on Friday.

Tal Kopan is the Washington correspondent for the San Francisco Chronicle. Email: [email protected] Twitter: @talkopan


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