Gillian Anderson stars as Eleanor Roosevelt in new Showtime series


Illustration from the article titled Your Childhood Crush Gillian Anderson Is Ready To Play With Eleanor Roosevelt

Picture: TOLGA AKMEN (Getty Images)

Like anyone with eyes, ears, and proper ventricular function, I’ve been in love with Gillian Anderson since 1992, when she proved that even fitted skirts and sad orthopedic heels couldn’t hide the fact that she is hilarious and hot. , especially when David Duchovny says something wrong and stupid. And like anyone who has never paid much attention to US history and has also attended a college in rural Louisiana who rarely mentioned women or their small contributions in their class offerings of any kind. way, I’ve been in love with Eleanor Roosevelt for a while now, when I found out that Gillian Anderson would be playing her in a Showtime series called The first lady.

The series promises to be a kind of If these walls could speak: the women of the White House Editon, set to focus on “reframing American leadership, told through the prism of the women at the heart of the White House”, according to at Variety. The rest of the distribution is equally awesome, with Viola Davis as Michelle Obama and Michelle Pfeiffer playing Betty Ford, it all feels right and perfect for someone who has seen these five pivotal moments in Doubt with the cinematic masterpiece What is below about five billion times each, but I can’t remember off the top of my head when Gerald Ford was president or if he was any good.

All we need now is a promise The crown Wig genius Margaret Thatcher is on board and I might be ready to finally take that women’s studies class that I never had thanks to the magic of the golden age of television.


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