Gina Carano speaks out after controversy with Pablo Hidalgo


Gina Carano, Star Wars Theory

Left photo credit: Disney – Right photo credit: Star Wars Theory

Recently there has been a controversy in the Star wars community on some comments made by Lucasfilm’s Pablo Hidalgo to a fan on Twitter. Gina Carano – who has dealt with her share of controversy regarding her own social media posts – spoke about the situation surrounding the comments made by Hidalgo, and her response was shared on Twitter.

gina carano
Credit: LucasFilm

For context, Pablo Hidalgo who is a creative executive at Lucasfilm, tweeted (then deleted) an article in which he called a popular Star wars fan and YouTuber, Star Wars Theory. Hidalgo responded in reaction to the fan’s emotions expressed during a live-viewing evening of The Mandalorian Season 2 finale.

Although he had since changed his name on Twitter, his profile picture and made his account private, before doing so, Hidalgo had made the controversial Tweet the banner of his Twitter profile, sparking more outrage from fans. . Fans have started calling Hidalgo to apologize and make changes to Lucasfilm.

The particular scene that choked the Star Wars Theory host was the return of Luke Skywalker in the final episode of The Mandalorian Season 2, a scene that touched the hearts of what appears to be the majority of fans of the show.

Gina Carano presented her thoughts on Luke Skywalker’s return and the emotions the cast felt on set. She also shared how she knew fans could feel these powerful emotions through their screens, stating that everyone should be allowed to feel whatever they want from Skywalker’s return.

Carano said that the magic of this moment (the return of Luke Skywalker) was something that came from their hearts (from the cast) and that “if you felt that way, you felt the right thing.”

Related: ‘Star Wars’ Actress Gina Carano Responds To Hates With Yoda Meme

Despite Gina Carano’s controversies on her own Twitter page, she currently ranks among the biggest stars in the world.

Companion Mandalorian The cast members came out in favor of Gina Carano as her Twitter posts divided fans with hashtags such as #FireGinaCarano and, on the other hand, #WeLoveCaraDune. Disney and Lucasfilm have not made any public statements regarding Gina Carano. However, Lucasfilm has contacted Star Wars Theory to apologize for Pablo Hidalgo, according to Star Wars Theory statements via YouTube.

What do you think of Gina talking about the Star Wars Theory vs.Pablo Hidalgo situation? Let us know in the comments!


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