Gingrich tears up Republican senators giving in to ‘false bipartisanship’ to support ‘terrible’ infrastructure bill


Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., Slammed Republicans joining a Democratic-led effort to pass two multibillion-dollar spending bills that supporters say are based on an infrastructure financing need.

As a former Speaker of the House, Gingrich warned viewers of Sunday’s “Life, Liberty & Levin” that Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Is wielding her old hammer in the “dictator” mold and continues to violate the rules of the House and the overall majority. more power than any other speaker in history.

“The left really wants to destroy the America we know,” he warned.

“I am amazed at how much she broke the rules and how much she has consolidated power into one person and the damage that this does to the institution. So the House is a different place than the Senate, [where] you have this myth of courtesy. ”

Gingrich added that given the way Pelosi and his party behave, there is no reason for Republicans to believe “bipartisan” legislation is really that.


Many Republicans who believe in this “civility myth” continue to read left-wing media like the Washington Post and The New York Times, Gingrich argued. They wholeheartedly believe in the appearance of bipartisanship.

“What if we could be friends? [what if] I might have to sell, but it will be so positive for America to be able to utter the word bipartisan, ”he said, characterizing the sentiments of these lawmakers.

Gingrich went on to explain that voters must hold their senators accountable when, as recent overtures seem to suggest, go ahead and pass sweeping legislation that includes things that “no Republican should vote for and for which there is no defense “.

“I think members of the Senate who buy this totally bogus bipartisanship that Democrats are going to draft this bill into – it will be a terrible bill,” he said.

“And I think the Republicans who voted yes should really rethink that. They have a few days ahead of them and they really should rethink. [this]. People who watch this show should call their senators and just say, “Have you lost your mind? Did you read the invoice? Do you realize how bad it is? ‘”

He praised Republicans Mike Lee of Utah and Ted Cruz of Texas for rightly sounding the alarm bells about the genuinely partisan and extreme nature of the so-called “bipartisan” legislation.

“Don’t tell me about the title of the press conference. Look at what the Democratic staff wrote in this bill,” Gingrich said.


“And that will be very heinous for most Republicans and I think it will become a major problem in the Republican Party primaries.”

Gingrich predicted a backlash within the party among GOP voters if their elected officials helped Democrats pass their far-left spending agenda. He compared it to how voters reacted to President Jimmy Carter’s congressional approval for the return of the Panama Canal area to the Panamanians. In 1977, the United States signed a treaty with then-Panamanian dictator Omar Torrijos to cede the canal they had controlled since the early 1900s.

“[A] entire generation was wiped out in the Senate because they voted [to] give the Panama Canal. And the people were just pissed off and as American nationalists they really wanted it. And so they went after the Republican and Democratic senators. I think this bill will be similar, ”he said.


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