GM aims to offer only electric cars by 2035 and be carbon neutral by 2040


General Motors Co. said Thursday it aspires to offer only electric vehicles in 15 years, on track to become a carbon neutral company by 2040.

GM said it has worked with the nonprofit Environmental Defense Fund “to develop a shared vision of a fully electric future and a aspiration to eliminate tailpipe emissions from new light vehicles by 2035.”

The aim is to focus on zero emission vehicles in a price range and to work with others, including EDF, to – build charging networks and promote consumer acceptance “while maintaining quality, which will all be necessary to meet these ambitious. goals, ”GM said.

Also read: Want greener cars? Focus on energy efficiency compared to electric vehicles

Earlier this year, GM said it would offer 30 fully electric models to the world by mid-decade, and 40% of the company’s U.S. models will be battery-electric vehicles by the end of 2025. .

The automaker is investing $ 27 billion in electric and autonomous vehicles over the next five years, compared to the $ 20 billion forecast before the COVID-19 pandemic. The plans also provide for energy efficiency gains for vehicles equipped with internal combustion engines.


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