God of War Ragnarok may have a special Red Dead Redemption 2 surprise


God of War Ragnarok, new God of the war game which will likely arrive on PS4 and PS5 later this year or next, could have a Red Dead Redemption 2 surprise for the players. Specifically, it looks like Arthur Morgan actor Roger Clark – emphasis on May – is playing a role in the new God of the war game, or at least that’s what speculation within the PlayStation community suggests.

On Instagram, Clark recently shared a story promoting the vacancies at Sony Santa Monica, the studio behind God of the war. Unfortunately, no details accompany this post, leaving PlayStation fans only speculation as to whether Clark is only spreading the information to help his fellow industry members or if it’s because he’s working with it. Sony Santa Monica. If it’s the last one you’d assume it would be on the new one God of the war, because, for the moment, it is the only game the developer is working on, at least of the variety announced.

For now, take this for what it is: speculation. While it might seem odd that Clark would share Sony Santa Monica’s hiring ad if he isn’t working with the studio, it’s actually pretty common in the company.

That said, the possibility that many PlayStation fans will go crazy with the hype. Although Clark doesn’t have much experience in video games, he delivered one of the best performances of the generation with his role as Arthur Morgan in Red Dead Redemption 2. He’s a great actor and would be a great choice for Sony Santa Monica regardless of what role they put him in.

At the time of publication, no party involved – Santa Monica Studio, Sony or Roger Clark – has commented on this speculation that is doing the rounds. If that changes, we’ll make sure to update the post with whatever is provided. In the meantime, for more coverage on all things PlayStation – including all the latest news, rumors, leaks, offers, guides, reviews and more – click here.


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