Golf: Niemann, the rising star of Chile, wins the first PGA Tour tournament


LOS ANGELES: Joaquin Niemann opened fire last Sunday (15 September) to capture The Greenbrier by six strokes and become the first Chilean to win the US PGA Tour.

Niemann, 20, has brought back three consecutive birdies on his last three holes, styling him with a 25-meter bomb on the Old White TPC course in Sulfur Springs, West Virginia.

Niemann finished with a total of under 21 points, less than 219, six shots ahead of American Tom Hoge, who shot 65.

Brian Harman, Harris English, Nate Lashley and Richy Werenski tied for third place under 14.

The tournament has moved from its usual position from July to September to launch the fall calendar of the 2019-2020 PGA season.

Niemann quickly started on his back nine, scoring three birdies on his first four holes, then three more goals on 16, 17 and the normal three.

He is the youngest international winner of the Tour since 1923 and the first leader of the third round to hold and claim this event.

This victory also earned him places in the Masters 2020 and the PGA Championship.

Niemann recorded his first victory at his 44th start on the PGA Tour.

He had an unparalleled amateur career, winning the amateur leagues of Latin America in 2018, and was the best amateur from May 2017 to April 2018.

His first nine in the PGA career among the top 10 in career, including two tied for the fifth time last season.

Defending champion Kevin Na chained second in the finals on Saturday and Sunday and finished tied for 14th.

Kevin Chappell, whose second lap on Friday was only the 11th lap ever on the PGA Tour, stumbled on the finish with 73 and 72 finals.


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