Google Assistant can now read you a story at bedtime


Google wants you to read a bedtime story, and with the latest Google Assistant feature, it can do it. This feature, titled Tell Me a Story, invites Google Assistant to tell you a story via your phone. Which could be a boon to parents.

Hey Google, tell me a story

In 2017, Google has activated a new feature allowing you to ask Google Assistant to tell you a story (to your kids). Unfortunately, this only worked on Google Home devices. Making the same request on Android or iOS would give you a quote or a joke, but not a real story.

Now, however, Google makes the "Hey, Google, tell me a story" command get the same response on Google Home, Android, and iOS devices. The answer being that the wizard will read you one of the stories that Google has prepared.

How to make Google tell you a story

On the keyword, Google explains that tell me a story allows you to hear stories like "Let's be firemen!" (Blaze and monster machines) and "Robot Rampage" (Teenage Ninja Turtles). You can also ask Google to read you a story before going to bed.

Google has released Tell Me a Story to coincide with the National Day Tells A Story, which takes place today (April 27th). However, reading should be an ongoing activity, and the command "Hey Google, tell me a story" will work 365 days a year.

Tell me a story is available in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and India. Just use it: an Android or iOS device on which Google Assistant is installed, as well as the latest version of the Google Play Books app.

Download: Google Assistant on Android | iOS

Download: Google Play Books on Android | iOS

Parents are better than Google Assistant

This is a nice little feature and another tool in the arsenal of parents when their little ones will not fall asleep. However, the fact that Google Assistant tells your child a bedtime story does not replace you. Especially if you make all the voices too.

Image credit: Marco Verch / Flickr

Learn more about: Google Assistant, Parenting and Technology.

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