Google begins to highlight key moments of videos in search – TechCrunch


Google today announced an update of how it handles videos in search results. Instead of just listing the relevant videos on the search results page, Google will also highlight the most relevant parts of the longer videos, based on the timestamps provided by the video creators. This is particularly useful for videos how to make or documentaries.

"Videos can not be overwritten like text, which means it's easy to totally ignore video content," writes the Google Search product manager, Prashant Baheti. "Now, just as we have worked to make other types of information more easily accessible, we are developing new ways to understand and organize video content in Search to make it more useful to you. . "

In the search results, you will then see direct links to different parts of a video and a click on them will take you directly to that part of the video.

<img class = "vertical aligncenter size-full wp-image-1882699" title = "01b_Video_anchors_white_frame.max-1000×1000" src = " 1000×1000.png "alt =" 01b Video Antennas white frame.max 10001000″ width=”497″ height=”1000″ srcset=”×1000.png 497w,×1000.png?resize=75,150 75w,×1000.png?resize=149,300 149w,×1000.png?resize=338,680 338w,×1000.png?resize=25,50 25w” sizes=”(max-width: 497px) 100vw, 497px”/>

For this to work, content creators must first tag their videos with bookmarks that match the segments they want to highlight, no matter which platform they are on. Indeed, it should be noted that this is not just a feature for YouTube creators. Google is already working with video publishers such as CBS Sports and NDTV, who will soon start tagging their videos.

I'm a little surprised that Google does not use its machine learning knowledge to automatically tag videos. For now, the burden is on the creator of the video and given the work needed to create a good video, it remains to be seen how many of them will do it. However, this will give them a chance to further highlight their work in Google Search, although Google does not indicate whether tagging will affect the rating of a video on its search results pages.


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