Hard-nosed readers will now know that Google is adding a dark mode to all of its major Android apps, including Phone, Contacts, Messages, etc., supposedly in preparation for the Holy Grail – a dark-mode system solution. The Google calculator is a slightly smaller application, but it still receives the treatment in dark mode.

Version 7.6 is being deployed for users. At first glance it seems that little has changed, with the exception of a small pill clearly indicating that you can view the application history. If you press the overflow menu (three dots), you will find the new "Choose a theme" option, which allows you to select Light, Dark, or Defined by Battery Saver.

Blinded by the light.

Light is like before, Dark what you expect (sorry, this is a dark gray and not a real black), and the final choice will keep the lighting until the battery saving mode. And that's about all there is to it.

You just adopted black.

It should also be noted – as we did not really know before – that if the display ratio of your device is large enough, you will get the advanced equation options above the numeric keypad rather than in a sliding panel. . Version 7.6 of Google Calculator is being rolled out gradually through the Play Store, but you can download it from APK Mirror right now.