Google changes its diversity and search policy after the dismissal of Timnit Gebru


Google is amending its policies on research and diversity after conducting an internal investigation into the firing of co-AI ethics team leader Timnit Gebru, according to Axios. The company intends to tie the compensation of certain executives to diversity and inclusiveness goals. It also changes the management of sensitive employee exits.

Although Google has not revealed the results of the investigation, the changes appear to be direct responses to how the situation with Gebru has deteriorated. After Google demanded the removal of an article it co-authored, Gebru told the leadership of the research team that she would step down from her post and work on a transition plan, unless certain conditions were met. are not met. Instead of a transition plan, the company immediately terminated her employment while she was on vacation. This sparked backlash from his team members and even prompted some engineers at Google to quit in protest.

Google had claimed that Gebru’s article was submitted incorrectly, although the research team disagreed. Google has now said it will “streamline its search publication process,” according to Axios, but the exact details of the policy changes were not given.

In an internal email to staff, Jeff Dean, chief AI officer at Google, wrote:

I heard and recognize what Dr Gebru’s exit meant for women technologists, for those in the black community and other under-represented groups who pursue careers in tech, and for many people who care. deeply about the responsible use of AI by Google. This has led some to question their place here, which I regret.

He also apologized for the way Gebru’s exit had been handled, although he didn’t stop to call it a shot.

The policy changes come a day after Google restructured its AI teams, a change that members of the ethical AI team were “the last to know.” according to researcher Alex Hanna, who is part of the team.

Google declined to share the updated policies with The edge, pointing instead to Axiosarticle for more details.


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