Google Chrome will try to prevent you from typing in risky text boxes


See that little “lock closed” icon in your web browser, right next to the URL? This means that you are browsing over HTTPS, encrypting your traffic so that third parties cannot spy on most of the information you send. But secure-watch HTTPS websites can still host unsafe HTTP forms so you can fill in your passwords and other personal data – and Google plans to do something about that in Chrome 86, coming in October (via 9to5Google).

According to the official Google blog, you will mainly receive a few important and bold warnings. The first one will look like this:

And if you try to submit your information anyway, you will receive a second “are you sure?” – style warning:

Google also turns off autofill on these so-called ‘mixed forms’, so the fact that your password managers and autocomplete keyboards don’t automatically fall into the text should be a third form of Warning.

Google previously tried to alert users to this problem by removing the lock icon when it detects an HTTP form, but the company said that “users find this experience unclear and do not effectively communicate the risks associated with submitting data in unsecured forms. ”

What I say: no kidding. Tell me the truth: when I asked you to look at the lock icon at the top of this article, how long had you bothered to do this?

Chrome also added DNS-over-HTTPS in Chrome 83, which you can read more about here.


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