Google dissolves the new Ethics Committee of IA


The group also has a long history of denying climate change and anti-immigrant feelings. James, at the head of the foundation, espouses these opinions and is very vocal anti-trans and anti-equality. Shortly after the announcement of the board with her as part of the panel, a group of Google employees called for her dismissal. In the group's letter, they pointed out that current loopholes in AI technologies mainly affect trans people, people of color and immigrants. James is therefore not the best person for a board trained to guide the responsible development of AI:

"The appointment of James to ATEAC also significantly undermines Google's position on the ethics and equity of the AI.The potential adverse effects of AI are not evenly distributed. equal treatment and follow historical patterns of discrimination and exclusion, from Amnesty International, which does not recognize trans people, more female voices, and does not "see" women of color, used to improve police surveillance, profiling immigrants and automating weapons – the most marginalized are the most exposed. Google's values ​​are asserted, but they go directly against the project to ensure that the development and application of the AI ​​prioritize justice rather than profit. . This project should instead place representatives of vulnerable communities at the center of the decision-making process. "

Trumbull Unmanned founder Dyan Gibbens is another controversial member of the board. His appointment revived discussions on the use of artificial intelligence designed by Google for the military. And then there is the fact that some members resigned about their problematic peers.

A Google spokesperson confirmed the dissolution of the committee in order to Engadget. And according to what they told us, it seems that the company is looking for a new way to get valuable outside advice on its efforts in terms of artificial intelligence.

"It has become clear that, in the current context, ATEAC can not function as we wish, so we are ending the board and returning to the drawing board, and we will continue to be accountable for our work on important issues. which AI raises and will find different ways to obtain outside advice on these topics. "


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