Google Expands Flutter Mobile Application Software Development Kit (SDK) to Web, Desktop and Integrated Devices


At today's I / O 2019 developer conference, Google has released version 1.5 of Flutter, its open source mobile UI framework that helps developers create native interfaces for Android and iOS. But this is no longer true: the mobile framework is now a cross-platform user interface framework, supporting the Web, desktops, mobile devices and even embedded devices. Flutter's mission has expanded to create "the best framework for developing great experiences for all screens".

Flutter was first announced as a start of alpha at the Google I / O Developer Conference in May 2017 and finally reached version 1.0 in December 2018. Aimed at competing with infrastructure such as Facebook's React Native, the library is designed to combine performance and mobile integration with the rapid development and cross-platform reach of portable UI toolkits. Flutter applications are created using the Google Dart programming language.

Over the past year, the Flutter team has been trying to expand the reach of Flutter to other platforms. "This has been caused by both Google's internal teams who are increasingly trusting Flutter, as well as by the latent potential of the Dart platform for providing portable experiences," explained Team today. One team worked on porting the Flutter engine on a standards-based website (codename Hummingbird) and another on the activation of desktop applications, with input paradigms such as keyboard and mouse, window resizing and Chrome OS application development tools.

Flutter for the web

Google today released Flutter's first technical overview for the Web, designed for the creation of "highly interactive and graphically rich content." The team expects to quickly evolve the code, focusing on "performance and harmonizing the code base with the rest of the code." the Flutter project. Google is asking first users to give it a try and to share their comments.

New York Times Kenken Game

To highlight Flutter on the Web, Google has partnered with the New York Times to create a puzzle game demo. The Kenken puzzle game uses the same code on Android, iOS, the Web and Chrome OS.

Flutter for the office

Flutter for desktop is no longer an experimental project – it has become the Flutter engine. The targets are not yet ready for production, but Google has released the first instructions for developing Flutter applications for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

While Flutter for web is in the technical preview stage, Flutter for desktop is more of a work in progress, said Flutter Group product manager Tim Sneath at VentureBeat. Neither is officially supported for deployment in production, but the team expects rapid development on both fronts over the next few months.

At the same time, the use of Flutter for Chrome OS is growing, whether to run Flutter applications or as a development platform, as it supports the running of Android and Linux applications. You can use Visual Studio Code or Android Studio to develop a Flutter application that you can test and run locally on a Chromebook without an emulator. You can also publish Flutter apps for Chrome OS on the Google Play Store.

Flutter for embedded devices

Finally, Google offers Flutter integrated on other devices. The team has released examples showing that Flutter runs directly on smaller devices, such as Raspberry Pi. There is also an integration API for Flutter for scenarios in the automobile, home and business. beyond.

Earlier today at I / O 2019, Google announced the Nest Max Hub. It turns out that Flutter is already running on the operating system of smart display. Some platform features designed by Google are optimized by Flutter. The Google Assistant team plans to expand this list "in the coming months". The goal is to use Flutter to drive the system's overall user interface this year.

Flutter for mobile devices

Finally, we have Flutter 1.5, which includes "hundreds of changes in response to developer comments." There are updates for the new requirements for the iOS SDK for the App Store, updates for iOS and Material widgets, engine support for new device types and Dart 2.3. new features of the UI-as-code language.

If you have already installed Flutter, simply type the command floating upgrade to get the latest version. Otherwise, follow the Quick Start Guide for Windows, MacOS, or Linux.

In addition to improving the framework itself, Google is also investing in the support ecosystem and package community. Over the last few months, Google has been developing production quality packages for Web Views, Google Maps, and Firebase ML Vision. This week, the company adds initial support for in-app payments.

ML Kit Classifier Customized Image

At I / O 2019, Google puts forward the new ML Kit custom image classifier, built using Flutter and Firebase. The kit provides a user-friendly application-based workflow for creating custom image classification templates. You can collect training data using the phone's camera, invite other people to contribute to your datasets, trigger model formation and use trained models, the all from the same application.

In the same vein, Google has brought back the new training course of The App Brewery for Flutter from $ 199 to $ 10 only. The course has more than 30 hours of content for Flutter, including videos, demonstrations, and hands-on work.

With the release of Flutter 1.2 in February, Google launched Flutter Create, a contest that challenged developers to "create something interesting, inspiring and beautiful with Flutter to help 5K or less Dart code. " After receiving more than 750 unique entries, Google announces the winners at I / O 2019. Zebiao Hu has won the overall award for a fully loaded iMac Pro.

Google I / O 2019: Click here for full coverage


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