Google Fi now offers an unlimited plan


The Fi Unlimited plan offers unlimited calls, text, and data for multiple family members, including some international calls. The plan covers free calls from the United States to 50 countries, as well as free data and text messages when traveling to 200 destinations. The plan also comes with a Google One subscription, giving you 100GB of cloud storage on which you can automatically back up your Android phone.

The monthly fee for the Unlimited plan is $ 45 per line for 4 to 6 lines, $ 50 per line for 3 lines, $ 60 per line for 2 lines and $ 70 for a single line. It's expensive, but the good thing about it is that there is no contract or activation fee.

If you want both a new phone and a new plan, you can get 50% off a Pixel 3 or 3XL Pixel when you sign up for Google Fi by September 18th.

To see if Google Fi is available on your device, you can check the compatibility page.


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