Google Identity Services and One Tap consolidate the connection to the application


When supported, “Sign in with Google” is a convenient way to sign in to third-party services without having to keep track of different passwords. Google is now consolidating its connection offerings, which include the new “One Tap”, under “Google Identity Services”.

Detailed for the first time last year, the big addition today is the One Tap “authentication module”. It works directly on the current site so that users are not redirected to a separate login page, allowing them to browse without interruption. On click, developers receive a secure token to authenticate the user.

The One Tap prompt slides from the bottom of the screen on mobile (Android), while it appears at the top right on the desktop (web). This works both for registering new users and for automatic login to old ones.

We have seen extraordinary results from our partners as our authentication solutions dramatically reduce friction and increase user login and registration rates on websites and apps.

An update to Sign in with Google will see the button display your name, email address (used for the service), and profile picture when you return to a site. The company also touts “improved UI / UX consistency,” with this solution aimed at traditional login / sign-up pages.

Google Identity Services

In practice, Google boasts that Reddit has implemented both features and “increased both new user registration and the conversion of returned users by almost 2 times”.

With this launch, Google has also simplified the implementation process by focusing on “requiring minimal code” and offering only one SDK.

Meanwhile, Google Identity Services protects users from clickjacking and pixel tracking. The apps / services benefit from Google’s existing anti-abuse and anti-fraud systems, reducing duplicate and fraudulent accounts. Google’s argument to third parties is that adoption means they don’t have to manage their own passwords and security systems. Users benefit from having to remember one less login.

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