Google is planning major changes to the way Google Chrome tabs work, but you may not notice it.


Google plans to heavily unclutter the tab options presented to users when they right-click a Chrome browser tab. And you will either hate these changes or not notice them at all.

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In the latest nightly version of Canary Preview, Google has removed four developer tab options. No more options:

  • New tab
  • Close other tabs
  • Reopen the closed window
  • Mark all tabs

From my experience, the number of users of these features is quite low, most people are amazed at the existence of these options. That said, the last time Google proposed to remove these options, the indignation of the users was great and the search giant gave in to the pressure.

All features and changes to Canary versions have not been finalized yet. Google can go back. If you use these options, my suggestion is that you start learning and using keyboard shortcuts for the options you need.

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