Google is speeding up Chrome’s release schedule


Google today announced that it will shorten Chrome’s release schedule from every six weeks to every four weeks.

“For more than a decade, Chrome has taken another step forward every 6 weeks, providing security, stability, speed and simplicity to our users and the web,” writes Alex Mineer of Google. “As we improved our testing and release processes for Chrome, and rolled out security updates every two weeks to improve our patch deficit, it became clear that we could shorten our release cycle. and deliver new features more quickly. For this reason, we are delighted to announce that Chrome plans to move to a new milestone every 4 weeks, starting with Chrome 94 in the third quarter of 2021. “

Google is also adding what it calls an extended stability option, which will provide milestone updates every 8 weeks. This will be available to business admins and Chromium integrators who need more time to manage updates, according to Google.

And this change will have an impact on Chrome OS as well, although Google is a bit vague on the details.

“For Chrome OS users, we also plan to support several stable release options,” Mineer says. “We’ll have more information to share with Chrome OS admins in the coming months about the choices you have for important updates to your managed devices.”

Naturally, one wonders whether Microsoft will move to a four-week release schedule for the Chromium-based Edge browser or whether it will stick to the current six-week schedule. No word on this yet.


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