Google is stepping up its content game with the new YouTube series on SEO myths


Google is preparing to launch a new series of videos on the myths on SEO, which is radically different from its previous videos.

The "SEO Mythbusting" series will be hosted by Google's Martin Splitt and posted on the Google Webmaster's YouTube channel.

Splitt recently finished a series of videos on JavaScript SEO, so he is not wasting time to move on.

Judging by the trailer, Google has dramatically increased the production value of its video content.

Previous Google videos have followed the same uninspired formula that someone speaks directly in front of a camera.

Frankly, independent video creators make Google look like amateurs on its own platform.

Google has greatly improved this formula by using multiple angles of view and by filming what looks like a sound stage.

Best of all, there is a speech between two people for a change. And not just the Google representatives, but the real SEO community you may have met before.

It is at best an interesting and captivating talk show on SEO, produced by Google.

So, aesthetically speaking, the series looks great. Now let's go into meat and potatoes.

What topics will be covered?

The trailer features excerpts from several upcoming episodes. From what I can understand, here are some of the topics that will be covered:

  • Googlebot
  • JavaScript frameworks
  • applications
  • Communication between SEOs and developers
  • Best SEO tactics
  • and more

Google is not giving too much for the moment as to what will be covered in each episode.

What we do know is that each episode will feature a member of the developer and / or SEO community discussing with Martin Splitt misconceptions about SEO.

The first episode should be out in two weeks.

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