Google is still working on an interesting feature of artificial intelligence introduced during the I / O last year.


Tweets sent by Google Photos, product manager, David Lieb (via Android Police) indicate that the company has not abandoned the Colorize feature that it had unveiled at Google I / O last year. This feature uses self-learning tools to add colors to old black and white photos. He added that Google hoped that Colorize would soon be available in beta and that he would very much like to know the reactions of Android users. The Colorize feature, when deleted, appears as a filter in the Google Photos app.
Lieb said that Colorize needed more work and, to prove it, he showed a black-and-white photograph taken on his grandparents' wedding day (his grandmother is 104 years old!). Although Colorize adds color to the image, it also adds a pink undertone to his grandfather's pants. The googler assures us that his grandfather was not wearing pink trousers at his wedding.
Meanwhile, another feature introduced by Google at the 2018 developer conference, Color Pop, was removed just one week after the feature was unveiled. In AI mode, Color Pop takes the background of a picture taken in Portrait mode and changes it to black and white; the subject remains in color. The clear difference between the two brings out the subject or bring it out. The Color option appears as a filter option in the Google Photos app after capturing a portrait.
An old black and white photo after going through Google's Colorize filter

An old black and white photo after going through Google's Colorize filter


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