Google launches a new series of videos: SEO Mythbusting


Google launches a new series of videos on its YouTube channel for webmasters called "SEO Mythbusting". This video series will feature Martin Splitt from the Google Webmaster Trends team, who will discuss with developers and SEOs common misconceptions. The videos will cover technical referencing to clarify common misconceptions and answer frequently asked questions.

The teaser. Below, you'll find the video trailer featuring a handful of SEOs and developers in our community, as well as Martin Splitt from Google:

Subscribe. You can subscribe to the Google Webmaster channel on YouTube to watch this series and all the other videos it publishes.

Why should we care? As Google says in the description of the video, "SEO can be a bit of a black box and it's not always easy for SEOs and developers to work together and speak the same language." These videos will cover many of these myths and facts. – and can be used as support data for clients and colleagues who offer points that may not be true or recommended in the SEO space.

About the author

Barry Schwartz is the Editor-in-Chief of Search Engine Land and is the owner of RustyBrick, a New York-based web consulting firm. He also directs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular research blog on topics related to SEM.


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