Google launches AMP support on Gmail for interactive emails


A year after Google announced that it would begin to support AMP in Gmail, the company is currently publishing a beta version for the mainstream G Suite. AMP for Gmail is designed to make e-mail more like an interactive web page without users getting mad at a browser. Users can browse image carousels, confirm their participation in an event, or fill out a form without leaving their inbox. Google calls these "dynamic emails".

The support will first arrive on the Web, but Google says it plans to offer it also on mobile. However, like AMP snapshots, you will only encounter dynamic emails if the company that sent them supports the format. Currently, the list of AMP partners for Gmail is small; Google cites, Despegar, Doodle, Ecwid, Freshworks, Nexxt, OYO Rooms, Pinterest and redBus as companies offering dynamic emails in the coming weeks. He noted that several third-party mail products, including SparkPost, Litmus, Twilio Sendgrid, Amazon SES, and Pinpoint, have connected to add AMP support. If you are a marketer and already use these tools to send emails, you should be able to create dynamic emails soon.

AMP for Gmail has been deployed to G Suite customers, but you do not have to use Gmail to view dynamic email. Third-party vendors such as Outlook, Yahoo Mail, and will support this feature, but to enable it, an administrator will have to choose to participate in the beta.

Today's news was announced as Google prepared to permanently eliminate Inbox. The application was in its last week before technical support was permanently closed. Initial responses to AMP for Gmail still seem mixed: while some prefer fewer tabs when opening e-mails with calls to action, others believe that the new format is too complex and can potentially create new problems. privacy, such as additional ways for advertisers to track the interact with your emails or use more elaborate phishing scams.


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