Google launches beta version of the new version of the application Messages


google-app messages

The Messages icon is familiar to Android users.

Screenshot of CNET

Google announced Monday that people could join the beta version of its new version of posts, the text messaging application provided as standard with Android phones. In less than a day, the program has reached its maximum capacity.

If you are trying to join the beta program now, you will see this note from Google:

"Thank you for your interest in becoming a tester for the Messages application. However, for the moment, the Messages application test program has reached the maximum number of testers that can participate in it. accept more testers. "

Do not worry, though. This is not the first (or last) time that Google opens a beta program.

"The open beta gives users the opportunity to test and comment on experimental features not yet released to the general public," the company said on its support page.

It is not clear if any other test areas will open or if the beta features will be an integral part of it. Google was not immediately available to comment.

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