Google launches Lite version of its search app for Android worldwide


Google today launches the lite version of its search application worldwide. The company's Google Go app for Android Go devices is now available in all countries. Previously, the application was limited to countries where Android Go devices were sold.

As early as today, the application will be available to all Android users.

With just a little over 7 MB, the Google Go app is designed to provide users with a fast and efficient search experience. The application uses less memory and works well in unstable Internet connections. It also uses less mobile data for searches.

Google Go also offers features such as a read-aloud function that uses AI to allow you to listen to content on any Web page and Google Lens to help you to read text from the real world.

The application is available to all users of Android Lollipop and newer versions. It is therefore available for the majority of Android users. You can have it here.

Marked with Android Go, Google Go


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