Despite having a presence all over the world, Google can often be hopelessly short-sighted when it comes to thinking of other countries. Case in point: Android Auto has been around for six years, and it’s only now that Google is considering optimizing Maps for countries where people drive on the left (with the wheel of a car on the right), representing more than one billion people.

According to the latest Google Maps support update, the app running on Android Auto should now automatically justify its UI elements left or right, depending on the type of car you’re driving. You currently cannot set it manually (for example, if you imported a headunit from another country?), But this functionality is apparently on the way.

The support page also states that bugs affecting right-to-left languages ​​should now be fixed. Make sure your phone is running the latest version of Android Auto (6.9.6137, according to APK Mirror) to see the changes.

Google maps
Google maps