Google Maps test tab showing the most popular dishes from restaurants


Photo: RobertCorse (iStock)

All these photos taken by enthusiastic guests now have a real purpose that exceeds Instagram posts. Foodies will appreciate the latest update of Google Maps: if you find a restaurant nearby, under the "Menu" tab, a tab called "Popular Dishes" may be Engadget.

Until now, it seems that this feature of cards is still being tested. But if you're lucky enough to have it, you'll be greeted by a host of popular dishes from the restaurant, accompanied by specific customer reviews. Engadget "The new feature seems to sweep the restaurant critics to find the names of commonly cited dishes, and then add the photos included with these reviews in the Popular tab."

So far, it's unclear how these reviews are compiled (by hand or machine?), Even though "a fully automated system would likely make mistakes: a review would mention a dish and the photo would show another one" . includes the name of the dish, which could annoy the servers facing an image on the phone of a customer ("Can I just order this, no matter what it is?")

So, it may take a little while for the problems to resolve. But this addition sounds like a welcome merge of Maps and Yelp to make your restaurant dining decisions easier, especially when traveling or in an unfamiliar region.


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