Google Maps will help you avoid crowded public transport in many more cities


Google is increasing the number of cities where Maps provides information on public transport congestion. The number of cities covered has grown from around 200 today to “more than 10,000 transport agencies in 100 countries,” the company said. In addition to the clutter, Google says Maps is also updated to offer more information on past trips.

The Google Maps overpopulation information was originally launched before the pandemic in 2019, but over the past year social distancing has made it more important than ever. Attendance information is generated from a mix of historical location data, as well as self-reports by Maps users on individual trains. Google says it anonymizes historical location data used.

Google is testing information on the congestion levels of individual cars.
Image: Google

In addition to extending the crowding forecasts to more cities, Google is also making them more granular in New York and Sydney. In these cities, users will see how crowded individual train cars are instead of just general congestion on the transit line. The feature works using data provided by the transport agencies themselves, and Google has announced plans to expand the capacity to other cities soon.

A new timeline feature shows details about past trips.
Image: Google

Google is also adding some new features to the Timeline section of Maps on Android, accessible by tapping on your profile picture and then selecting “Your Timeline.” A new “Insights” tab displays trends in the time and distance you’ve spent using different modes of transportation and the places you’ve visited. There is also a “Trips” tab which groups together the places visited, with the possibility of exporting them in the form of a list if you wish to transmit them as travel recommendations.

Alternatively, if you don’t like the reminder of how much data Google Maps is able to collect on you over time, you can turn it off (and lose access to new timeline features) by turning off the position history on your phone.

Finally, Google is also offering more review options for restaurants in the United States, with new prompts to share information about meal prices and whether you have take out and deliveries. The new review options are available on iOS and Android, and Google says they will eventually be available to businesses beyond restaurants.


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