Google News Showcase is launched in more countries including UK and Argentina


Google News Showcase is starting to roll out in more countries around the world, including the UK and Argentina, following its launch in Australia last week. The digital news collection features free, paywall-protected articles from over 120 UK and Argentinian outlets, bringing its total to 450 publications. Google’s UK media partners range from major news feeds such as Reuters to commercial and political media such as The Financial Times and New Statesmanand newspapers The telegraph, The independent and Midland Press Association.

Participating publishers receive dedicated panels featuring their selected articles for users to browse on the Google News app, mobile web browsers, and in Discover on iOS. Tap an article to access the full story on the publisher’s site. Google will also show you the panels of the news providers you follow and offer recommended panels in the “For You” feed and the “Newsstand” section of its News product.

The web giant says Showcase can help large publishers gain new subscribers by showcasing paywall-protected content, while giving smaller newspapers a bigger platform for their production. But in reality, Google’s dealings with the news media have been far from friendly, and Showcase has suffered.

Google delayed its plans to launch the product in Australia last year and recently threatened to withdraw its search engine, after being asked to share the royalties with publishers. It appears to have fixed some of those issues, however, as the product arrived in the country on February 4. Meanwhile, French regulators pushed him to agree to pay local media, even though he has yet to make individual deals with his partners.


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