Google now has iOS widgets for Gmail, Drive, and Fit, with more on the way


However, Gmail’s seems to take some work. As you can see from the screenshot shared by Google, you can use its new widget to find your inbox and start composing an email. It also displays the number of your unread messages, which you can already see if you look at the app icon.

Google Fit Widget


The company is also working on widgets for Gcal and Chrome. The first gives you an overview of your next meetings. By tapping on one of the color-coded event icons, you will be able to see your entire calendar. Meanwhile, Chrome’s allows you to search or enter a URL, open a tab in incognito mode, perform voice search, and scan a QR code. Google says a smaller version of the widget comes “with a little prehistoric surprise.” I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to see the Chrome dinosaur on my home screen.

Google Chrome Widget


You can add Gmail, Drive, and Fit widgets to your iPhone and iPad home screen starting today. Calendar’s one will be available in the coming weeks, while Chrome’s will be available to everyone next year – although you can give it a try by installing the beta on your phone.


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