Google Photos will no longer be integrated with Drive from July.


Google's Photos and Drive cloud storage users are able to transparently access their photos from either platform. The services automatically synchronize with each other and even share storage space. However, the research giant announced this year, it will no longer be the case.

Google has revealed the change in a blog article, claiming that this will "simplify the experiment between Drive and Photos" when it will be about accessing photos on one or the other platform, the comments from customers who led the company to conclude that "the connection between these services is confusing".


Starting in July, photos and videos that all users (including G Suite customers) uploaded to Drive will no longer automatically be added to your Photos app or desktop client. Likewise, media added to your Photos app will not appear in the "Photos" field. & # 39; folder in Drive. The same goes for media deletions in both directions.

The current system has apparently caused users to accidentally delete photos and videos from all their platforms by trying to delete them from one. Google will therefore implement more "granular control".

Automatic synchronization will be replaced by a "Download from Player" feature, which will allow users to manually select images or sequences from their player folders – even shared media – and import them into Photos, in which case they will not will be more affected by no results. the changes made in Drive.

Other impacts

Although these changes affect photos or videos added to any of the services as of July 10, the existing media will remain as is, although their connection to one of the services will be discontinued. Changing or deleting files on one will not affect the other.

With regard to the storage limit for the entire account, users can still download an unlimited number of "high quality" files on their Photos service without affecting their storage. However, if these files are also stored in Drive, the latter will be taken into account in the storage limit. As before, "original quality" images will be taken into account in the total storage limit on both platforms.


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