Google Pixel 3 Camera Adds Selfie Self-Detection App


Take a look at your smartphone's camera roll and you'll probably find hundreds of duplicate shots, all snapped while trying to take the perfect selfie. To remedy this, Google is bringing some new AI to its camera so it only takes a photo when everyone is selfie-ready.

Digital cameras have had the same features, smile, and blink detection, but simply relying on the shape and specific features of the human face has its limitations. Smartphones, with their beefy processors, have opened up a lot of possibilities when it comes to intelligently assisting photography. Yesterday, Google revealed it's porting some of the features of its clips throughout the day. Google video is one of the things you did not really know about, but the software is more than a little useful.

The app will now include more functional functionality in the Photobooth mode, which relinquishes the ultimate control of the shutter to the phone. In addition to ensuring eyesight, the app will now identify five photogenic expressions: smiles, sticking your tongue out, kisses, face duck, puffed out cheeks, and a look of surprise. A neural network has been trained for these stereotypical selfie expressions, which all happen in real time as they are holding their camera out, ensuring they are properly framed in the shot.

Pressing the shutter button does not take a photo. It instead puts the app into its auto-detection mode, which analyzes each frame, looking for the above mentioned expressions and internally evaluates the quality of the shot. But to ensure users are not exactly where to look for when a photo is snapped, the app now includes a thin white bar at the edge of the frame that grows and shrinks. At its smallest width, the bar indicates no faces have been detected, but when stretched all the way across the screen it means that everyone is perfectly in position and looking at the camera, saved.

There are certainly criticisms to be made about automating the photography process. In some ways, it can be seen as diminishing the creativity behind the art, but at the same time it does not matter to you in the face of 30 photos in your phone's camera. Applications like Photoshop have become more streamlined and easy to use, but photo editing tools that are easier to use than the world of photography by making it accessible to more people. At the least, it will not leave you behind a memorable night of partying.

[Google AI Blog via The Verge]


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