Google Pixel 4 and 4 XL might be codenamed "coral" and "flame"


We're taking our time in the lead-up to the Pixel 4 and 4 XL announcements – presumably several months away. Our strongest statement on the developments. But we can have more of a new aquatic codenames: "coral," "needlefish," and "flame."

Google has a long-established tradition of nicknaming its Android-based devices with fish from "hammerhead" (Nexus 5) to "sargo" and "bonito" (perhaps the Pixel 3a and 3a XL). The new names sure appear like they could keep the general pattern going.

The path started with an AOSP commit submitted yesterday. SELinux policy implementations for eight devices. Six of the devices were from Google and two were from Panasonic. They were listed as such:

device / google /bonitosepolicy / vendor / QCOM / common / genfs_contexts: 67
device / google /coralsepolicy / vendor / QCOM / common / genfs_contexts: 17
device / google /crosshatchsepolicy / vendor / QCOM / common / genfs_contexts: 72
device / google /marlin/ Sepolicy / genfs_contexts: 17
device / google /needlefish-sepolicy / vendor / QCOM / common / genfs_contexts: 16
device / google /wahoo/ Sepolicy / vendor / genfs_contexts: 49
device / Panasonic /hawk/ Sepolicy / vendor / common / genfs_contexts: 28
device / Panasonic /owl/ Sepolicy / vendor / common / genfs_contexts: 28

"Coral" and "needlefish" were not really on the radar when they came to Pixel phone codenames, but they were remarkable enough for 9to5Google to dig around. In decompiling the latest beta of the Google app, it was able to find a way to get you started.

9to5 Geekbench points to a "Geekbench Diagnostics" with "coral" to support the "coral" codename for the Pixel 4 – with 6GB of RAM and a motherboard identification that seems to line up with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 855, the specification appearance seems plausible, but we'd rather approach benchmark finds with some caution. Meanwhile, this is the first time we've seen the "flame" name for the Pixel 4 XL, supposedly referring to the angelfish flame, in the works.

Overall, we're going to be more important, but these first indications are coming from relatively reliable sources, which is why we're reporting on them here.

Unfortunately, that leaves "needlefish" as an unknown variable. While it is safe to say that it will be an Android-based Google product, we're looking for a similarly mysterious "medaka," and "salmon" will surface next.


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