Google pushes fix for recently discontinued Chrome OS 91 update


It’s been a tough few weeks for both Google and Chrome OS users. July started with an incremental update that inadvertently crashed processors on a wide range of Chromebooks. Google quickly halted the update, but it resulted in the Linux container breaking unintentionally. For most users, this unfortunate situation was easy to navigate with a few simple tips. Although the real bug that caused the problem was never officially reported, Google quickly fixed the problem and released the corrected version with relatively little fuss.

Unfortunately, last week another minor update brought a small code error that caused catastrophic headaches for countless users. The culprit was a single line of code in the file that allows Chrome OS to decrypt your login information. A little “&” left out in a conditional statement brought down the entire operating system for users and the only fix was to revert Chrome OS, resulting in a complete cleanup and loss of all local data saved on the device. For some, that’s not a problem, as many of us, used to living in the Google ecosystem, keep things in sync with the cloud. However, this is not the case for a lot of users. This presented a serious conundrum. Wait for a patch or pressure wash and record the loss.

The missing “&” that deleted Chrome OS 91

Fortunately, as Android Police reported, Google has already rolled out a fix for the borked code and you can update your device without signing into your Google account. Version 91.0.4472.167 started rolling out to all eligible devices today and contains the corrected line of code to resolve the connection issue. If you were one of the patients waiting for Google to send a fix, you can now take the latest update by entering guest mode on your device via the button at the bottom left of the login screen. From there, click on the system tray and the gear icon to go to Chrome OS settings.

In the settings, click on “About Chrome OS” and press the “Check for updates” button. Once the update has downloaded, you will be prompted to restart your device. At this point, if all goes well, you should be able to sign in to your Chromebook with your primary credentials. As I mentioned, it looks like most eligible Chrome OS devices are getting the update, but you can verify your particular device by going to the update board on


Source: Reddit, Android Police


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