Google rolls out the red carpet for Android developers of automotive at I / O


A software platform needs a lot of things to succeed and the developer's interest is one of the most essential pieces of the puzzle. To help Google's projects regarding Android Automotive – which provides a complete Android operating system to cars – the company is gearing up to help developers interested in starting this year's I / O developer conference.

Since this has been historically a small point of confusion, let me point out that Android automobile is different from Android car, even if their names are pretty much the same – well done, Google. It's better to think of Android Auto as a Chromecast project projected from your phone, while the future Android Automotive is a full-fledged Android operating system running in a car.

Google claims that in the two years (technically three) since the creation of Android Automotive, automakers "have shown increasing demand," Volvo's automakers at Renault-Nissan -Mitsubishi having expressed their car interest with her for the moment.

UX multimedia application in Android Automotive.

However, Google is innovative enough to realize that for the platform to be successful, it will require developers to create applications. As a result, interested parties will be able to start creating multimedia applications for Android Automotive.

For convenience, Automotive will be supporting the same infrastructure provided by Android Auto, which should help carry the porting tasks of podcasts and music subscription applications. bit Easier. Although it seems that support for media-related applications is all that is planned in the near future, Google also plans to open applications for communication applications later.

This is the (hilarious search) / test / reference unit with which you can play at the I / O level.

Developers wishing to get a head start can watch or attend the "How to create Android apps for cars" session at I / O, and assistance will also be provided via in-person desk hours and app reviews. Also be asked to the new community of groups of automotive-Google Groups developers, using the android-automotive tag.


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