Google Stadia shares 4K footage of Cyberpunk 2077 and it’s …


Illustration of the article titled See iCyberpunk 2077 / iRun on Google Stadia at 4K is not enough to sell me on Cloud Gaming

Screenshot: CD Projekt Red

Google’s all-new cloud gaming service could really capitalize on a win after a year of technical glitches and lukewarm reception from gamers. It’s about literally giving Stadiums and its accessories away for free to generate some excitement, but how it handles CD Projekt Red oh-s0-long awaited Title Cyberpunk 2077 next month, one of the most publicized versions of the platform to date, could very well be the turning point for Stadia.

On Friday we got our first look at how the game plays out on Stadia, in 4K no less, and it’s … good. It could be worse, it could be better. You know 10 things I hate about you quote? I think now I know what it feels like to be “whipped”.

Google released a five-minute trailer showing 4K gameplay footage (Attention: it contains spoilers, so beware if you try to blindly enter the story) of Cyberpunk 2077, which is due out on December 10 if it isn’t delayed again. It should be noted that 4K streaming is only available if you subscribe to the the premium level of the platform, Stadia Pro, provided that you have a fairly good internet connection. Google gives subscriptions also free if you buy the game before December 17th.

The game plays out correctly in the trailer, although Google is not disclosing the type of device or internet connection used to capture the footage. So as with all cloud gaming services, your mileage can vary widely. Gameplay looks a little less fluid compared to the the performances we have seen Pc with ray tracing capabilities and new generation PlayStation and Xbox consoles, but not significantly. So yes, like I said, a whole mind-blowing performance.

If Google follows up on what the trailer promisesthat might be enough to appease the sting of Stadia pitiful launch numbers in early 2020. Again, aanother eagerly awaited release, Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, came out earlier in November and has already complaints about uneven performance and latency issues who can particularly make timed challenges a frustrating work. Not a very promising sign, to say the least.

For what it’s worth Google seems ready to keep throwing money on platform for the foreseeable future. Stadia chief executive Jack Buser said the company Invested “unequivocally” in the world of video games “for the long term” in a meeting this week and at Stadia at least planned launches 2023. So even though Cyberpunk 2077 ends up being a bust, Google seems willing to move forward with stubbornness, as gamers use its platform (which, as it stands, they are do not).


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