Google Unveils New Look for Mobile Device Search – BGR


Google today unveiled a new look for Google mobile search results, and the update has been seen in some corners as a kind of news feed.

It's easy to understand that the changes brought by the search giant include the emphasis on the name of the website and the favicon over the search results. While the source of the results was not so clearly underlined, the new concept of presenting the results gives the impression of scrolling through a stream of publisher and other publications.

"With this new design, the brand of a website can be a priority and help you better understand where the information comes from and what pages have what you are looking for," says the designer. Google's main interaction for research, Jamie Leach, in a business blog. post today. "The name of the website and its icon appear at the top of the results map to help anchor each result, so you can easily scan the results page and decide what to explore. then."

The publication notes that the new version of what is arguably the most important product of Google will begin to be presented to users in the coming days. As part of the changes, continues Leach, when you search for a product or service and that Google feels that its ad is relevant and "useful" and that it would be useful to include in the results, you will now see a bold advertising tag at the following address: the top of a map of search results. The web address will also be included so that you can quickly determine the origin of the information you see.

Image source: Google

The other important thing to note about updating Google's mobile search is that it also allows Google to add more action buttons and overviews to Google. Information to the search results cards, Google wishing you can now do everything, from movie ticket purchase play podcasts directly from the results. "Our goal with Search has always been to help people find the information they are looking for quickly and easily," says Leach. "Over the years, the amount and format of information available on the Web has changed dramatically – from the proliferation of images and videos to the availability of 3D objects that you can now see in RA." C & # 39; That's why the company thought of a "visual update" Search on mobile would help people find the information they need and quickly determine where they come from.

Image Source: Alastair Grant / AP / Shutterstock


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